Exclusive Offers are defined by the Venue but must include a 25 to 50% discount on food and/or drink, meeting room hire fees, coworking day passes, or other services relevant to Othership Premium Members.
Exclusive Offers are available to Othership Members who have a valid Premium Membership.
Venues can choose to propose discounts below 25% but will be subject to the Othership Service Fee.
Venues can add additional terms to restrict offers to certain products or times.
What is the Othership service fee?
To help operate the Othership platform, we charge a service fee to Venues who do not propose Exclusive Offers to Othership Premium Members when a booking is confirmed.
Venues booking service fees
The Venues service fee is £1 per seat booked or 10% of the transaction, whichever one is the greatest, but may be higher for Venues who have a strict cancellation policy. Othership will charge Venues monthly, and an invoice will be sent via email prior to any direct debit (If applicable).
User Service charge
Othership Memberships prices are as quoted on our site from time to time, except in cases of obvious error.
VAT charges on service fees
Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction involved, VAT will be charged on top of the Venues booking service fee where applicable.
Prices for Memberships include VAT.