Emma just launched a business called Nature x Nurture (website on its way!), which is dedicated to cultural education. It’s about tending to the inner and outer worlds. She does it through experiences such as multi-day immersions, Rediscover Rest community sessions, and storytelling that spotlights people nurturing solutions for a better tomorrow. Her focus is initially food systems in the UK, with the intent to expand to fashion and biomaterials within and beyond the UK.
Emma is a regenerative educator and spiritual resource. She used to work ‘for nature’ while leading the Ellen MacArthur Food initiative. Now, she works in support of our true nature as human beings, and in turn, continues to support the regeneration of outer-world Nature. She is a creative storyteller who weaves a hthe scientific with the mystical and senses her role is to serve as a bridge between the current paradigm that’s extractive of people and planet towards a regenerative paradigm that allows all life to actualise its inherent potential.
Emma’s favourite workspace: Mama Shelter, NHow Hotel
“I became a member of Othership after returning to London last Autumn and looking for places where I could co-work and meet other freelancers/entrepreneurs. I’ve loved joining the Othership brunches where I have met some really great members who I’ve learned lots from. Connections with a few members have led to concrete collaborations, which was unexpected and exciting. It’s such an inspiring community to be a part of!”
To find out more about Emma or to get in touch, check out these profiles:
Othership profile – @emma-chow
Website – emmacchow.com
E-Mail – Emmacchow@gmail.com
LinkedIn – Emma Chow
Instagram – @emmacchow
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